CAR BOOT SALE - We can only apologise to those who turned up today
hoping the car boot sale was on. A big thank you to Caroline who
pointed out that the banner advertising the car boot was still up in
Waitrose car park.
As you know the Events Team is made up of
volunteers and sometimes things go awry. There is a team of 3, led by
Mike, who run the car boot sale. Sometimes life gets in the way and
they are not available on the Sunday. We normally remove such
advertising but obviously failed to do so this time, so we can only apologise again.
What we need are more volunteers to help to ensure this does not happen
again. If you would like to assist please get in touch. If we had
more willing helpers we could then have a rota so only had to be
committed for perhaps one in 3, or be a reserve when a problem like
today happens,
It would be such a shame if this were to fold through lack of volunteers