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Less than a week to go till the next Community/business meeting.
Hopefully you have told your friends/colleagues /neighbours. Put it on your website/facebook page. Businesses need to attend. What happens in Waterlooville DOES AFFECT YOU!
Easy to think that you don't need to go because someone else will, or it will make no difference. The answer is someone else might NOT turn up. If nobody turns up then it will make no difference as the council will believe that nobody is interested. Just by showing up in numbers will get the message to the council that PEOPLE OF WATERLOOVILLE DO CARE ABOUT THEIR TOWN.
All local ward and county councillors have been invited. Cllr Tim Pike will be there to to talk about the local plan that is about to go out for consultation, and will involve Waterlooville. Have you seen it??
Local plan

He will also have some feedback on issues highlighted at the last meeting as well as updates on progress on developments in town centre.
The following have been requested to go on the agenda:
Development of old post office??
Eastleigh has kerbside food waste collection as well as glass and batteries. Could Havant do the same?
Have you any other items you would like discussed?

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